Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Snow & American Life

Snow is a good metaphor for American life....
looks good on movies but one can't live a movie...

Can you?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Bangalore to Boston

Its easier to peddle lies as facts in jazzy powerpoints than to...

Press one's clothes
Drive the wrong side
Wear an itchy inner or carry a painful shiver
Make shopping lists and buy gifts for all the strangers in your life
Multiply by 45
and ofcourse the paper technology

Sometimes wish life was as simple as making powerpoint slides.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Modern Barbarism

I rarely post on current political events. This blog isnt "positioned" as a political opinion one.

Here I make an exception:

I think filmed lynching and its endless broadcast is worse than killing by stoning.

Read this and decide which is civilization and which is barbaric.

Reminds me of Sam bashing bumper sticker I saw somewhere - "Be nice to America, do what we wish, or we will bring democracy to you."