Thursday, September 13, 2007

Public Transport

It has been a while since I used public transport.

Traveling by the subway at NY helped me relive those beautiful college years. Its a pleasure to...

- Gauge how well your instincts are working by identifying the person who is most likely to vacate a seat when you are standing

- Develop bond with strangers about whom the only things that you know are the time they travel, the station where they get off, their wardrobe size and variety

- Identify bathing frequency, music preferences of a few specifically "intrusive" co-travelers.

- be worried more about the body shape of the person next to you than yourself.

The one that thrills me most and annoys my next-seater is my desire to read the book/newspaper they are reading..


Anonymous said...

Peeping into others paper or book while they read is an illiterate act... words uttered by my husband when I used to travel with him.

D LordLabak said...

:-) I like the last one. Its really hard not to do that right?

I said...

it is also hard to not peek into other people's bedrooms.

D LordLabak said...

I, chumma edhavadhu sollanumnu sammandham illama yaen comment pannara?

Oracle said...


I always say that to my wife as well ;)


Now-a-days I have graduated to reading what's on the neighbour's Blackberry


Bedroom peek happens only in Parangimalai theater movies ;)

Dreamer said...

I think most of us have this irritating habit to read next person's newspaper ya book..i generally observe the way they read books and get a copy for myself if i feel they are too involved in reaidng that which emans the book is intresting..

Soumya Bhattacharya said...

very careful observations........