Saturday, December 24, 2005

Too much of a good thing?

Yet another day today when I was complained of spending too much time on the PC. I used to be a TV freak some time back. In my childhood used watch even vayalum vazhvum, a farming techniques program over studying. Then I felt there were things to be learnt from TV more than texts which talked of trignometry, akbar and Praire's wheat produce. Honestly I have never had any use for any of these all my life ever since.

Now the new fad(?) is PC. I cant turn away from a device, that has all my photos, all my favorite songs, all my favourite reads. How I love the music without those CD covers, unmarked cassette wrapping paper which simply says "Sony" or "TDK" and I am straining my memory to remember what it contains. I contain atleast 20 such cassettes even now.

The sad part and really the shocking part is, most if not all of the stuff I have in my PC is free. I hope this becomes a PayTV kinda scenario, pay back to the for all the goodness I get. How I would like to pay Re. 1 to Billy when I listen to We didnt start the fire.

Its too good to be free honestly!

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